Network Services

High Availability Uplinks

Upgrade your colocation package with the ultimate in high availability and remove any single point of failure. Dual uplinks to two of our distribution routers, with HSRP providing failover.

$50 /month

Cross Connects

Optic Fusion is a carrier neutral facility and can provide a cross connect between customer cabinets and carriers in our facility. The minimum charge per cross connect is $50 per month. Additional installation charges may apply.

$50 /month

DNS Hosting

High availability DNS hosting on our DNS servers, which includes a web-based control panel for managing and adding your own zones. Optic Fusion provides DNS with three name servers on diverse hardware, operating system and software platforms, in separate physical locations and on separate networks for ultimate high availability.

1-10 Domains $5 /month
Unlimited Domains $50 /month

Secondary DNS Hosting

Secondary DNS hosting on our high availability DNS servers.

1-10 Domains $25 /year
Unlimited Domains $50 /year

Secondary MX Hosting

Secondary mail exchange hosting. In the event your primary mail server suffers an outage, mail is delivered to our secondary server, where it is stored and then delivered automatically once your server comes back online.

1-10 Domains $50 /year
Unlimited Domains $100 /year

Traffic Graphs

Know what your traffic usage is any time, day or night. Traffic graphs of inbound and outbound traffic for your dedicated switch or router port, are also viewable on a secure web page.

Available upon request for no charge.